Ok so I don't on the whole like to get in with too much Social Media emotional posting as realistically a few thumbs up here and there really aren't going to change my life a great deal but today I feel I need to do something. This post is for me, for me to read in another 5 years to see how I was feeling but also for all the people who miss Sheila Draper, my wonderful mother.
As the title suggests it is 5 years today since we lost her and it hasn't been easy. From the first few weeks of constant tears and horrible dreams to the emotional Birthdays and Christmases. It is true though with every passing year, although it doesn't get better, day to day life does become easier to deal with. Special occasions though I feel will always be hard. I mean in those 5 short years a lot has happened, most notably for me starting my career, promotions, proposals, marriage, my first home and most recently my first step onto the property ladder. These are all milestones that I always assumed she was going to be there for but at least I know she would be proud.
There are all the future milestones too that I hope to achieve over the coming years and I know I will muddle through but I just wish she could see them. I know though I am lucky to have had her for the time that I did, she was as perfect a role model as I could have ever asked for and with dad have given me the grounding for the person that I have become thus far. I don't want to get into an homage about her life her but this is the woman who when faced with the difficulties of having a child with severe disabilities, a relatively rare disability that in 1985 was little known about, rather than feeling sorry for herself she set up a community of people to help and support each other to look after their children, The CHARGE Family Support Group which is still running and helping families today.
Anyway on this day I remember the great times we had and although I am sad they
are no more I am so so grateful for what I got.
I love you
I'm sure she would have been very proud of yours and Caroline 's achievements she was a very proud mother
Moving, beautiful post AD..... Made me cry. Miss her. A wise, funny, warm and and outsttanding woman.Much love Ann xn
Thank you x