This is quite late really considering he left on Monday but better late than never as they always say. Basically this blog will first reminice over the years of Ant and Ross, including some lovely photos I have dug up from the archives. Then it will move onto the activities of the last weekend.SO..
I have known Mr. Ross Savill for a very long time, longer than I can really remember in fact as this footage from my 5th Birthday will show. Me at front centre and Ross behind the little girl (for those who are interested that little girl is Janine, you know the one).
Another early picture, this time at my house on those old yellow sofa things we used to have. And I must say that even then my hair was stunning, I know this blog is meant to focus on Ross but really that hair is fantastic.
The years moved on and here is another birthday party of mine. I have nothing much to say about this one that would be any different from the first birthday one. I suppose it shows birthdays through the ages but the main reason I include it is because it shows a young Daniel Stevens. I have already exposed myself to embarrasment from youth photo so I might aswell bring others down with me.
Here slightly older, I picked this out because I felt it showed quite accutely Ross' poor fashion sense and point out that it hasn't got much better. Although my shirt too is not brilliant, Im not sure what this was, probably one of our parents birthdays and if I am not horribly mistaken this is what GJs looked like before it was GJs.
Now to embarras more people. Again we are slightly older and it probably is on one of my birthdays, that sad phase where I just invited people round to play computer games.. what sort of a birthday is that. Apart from young Ant and Ross, in this picture you can see a young Liam Morgan and Dominic Anson, how fun it is to drag you down with me.
We then move into the 2000s and Ant and Ross are growing into horrible greasy teenagers, of all the pictures I am putting up this by far the worst due to its horrible chavvyness. Just look at it, Im glad that phase ended quickly.
And so we move into the modern era and finally my hair is looking lovely. Again focusing on me. Anyway here we are at my 18th. How we have grown up from the days of our youth and with that I move onto my final picture of this section. A picture taken at Ross' leaving party.
Only 6 months or so between the last two pictures and hence not that much difference apart from it does show my newly cut hair. I talk about my hair a lot.
So onto the second half of this blog and to the usual narrative type thing you have all been used to on my normal blogs.
On friday we all went along to Thorpe Park for a day of thrills. Of course it was wet and horrible weather, you've just got to love the British Summertime. Anyway we went on a number of rides from Nemesis Inferno to Tidal Wave where we got soaked and horriblly uncomfortable, from Colossus to Detonator.. had to wait about an hour for a 2 second drop, stupid bloody ride although it was scarier than it looked. It was overall a good day even if more than half of I was walking around in horrible wet clothes.
In the evening we had his going away party which was nice, good food and all that and of course it coincided with the final of big brother and so I missed Pete coming out. Very annoying that was.
As you may be able to see I am rushing this bit because this is already very long and you are probably getting bored but dont go just yet the saturday is good. We started by watching my sister perform a little gig type thing with a few of her mates which was pretty good really, she is annoyingly talented. Then me and Ross went to Kingston to get a nice shakeaway milkshake and I finally bought the new Razorlight album which I find is horribly overrated. Then we came back to Colliers Wood to prepare for the evenings go to the pub. Ooh I had a curry aswell somewhere in there.
This is where the night gets good. It was the Colliers Tup's one year anniversary and so they got in the first round which was nice. 1 pint on the house, then my mum bought me a couple and so on. It wasnt really going to be a get wasted kind of a night because the parents were there and Rossy isnt a get wasted kind of a fellow anyway, being a sportsman and all that he has to look after the body. But the drinks steadily flowed for me anyway and the music was getting louder. We all knew the night would end in dancing. So after we had treated Ross to his first ever shots we all made our way to the dance floor. By this time it was getting onto one o'clock and so only the hard-core partiers were there. Me, Ross, my mum, the MP and a few of her friends. The classic tunes were playing, from YMCA to Steps and S Club 7. but no macarena, every now and then I gave a shout of Macarena towards the DJ but to no avail. My Godmother having a lot of influence went up to the DJ herself and asked him to play, he said he would on one condition.. I led the dancing from ontop of the bar. So there it is the tale of the first and quite possibly last time I will ever dance on a pub bar. It was brilliant, I wasnt on my own a number of others were also on the bar including kerry mcgowan. Anyway I was the star and it was a great laugh.
Soon after we went home to bed at about 2. Sunday went by and then monday morning, the day of Ross' departure, I woke up stupidly early to go to his house to wave him off, then went back home to sleep.. and now he is in America.