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The Amazing Life of Ant D - Page 15

  • Dieting


    My blogs although not entirely frequent at the moment aren't non-existent which is probably of little importance to anyone because no one knows that I do them anymore so the chances of this being read by any one of the 7 billion-ish people in the world I would suggest is pretty unlikely. Nevertheless I shall be writing this and any future blogs for my own personal benefit.


    So dieting. Since going to university I have put on a ridiculous amount of weight, not that I ever used to be the sort of cb312fff203685005456bdefda1c565f.jpgperson who weighed themselves, but it was so obvious that I had put on weight by the sheer size of my face. I shall again refer to this picture.

     It shows a horrible transformation to the youthful, spritely, healthy looking young man I was going into uni into the sick fat blob that I had become. Luckily that I didn't remain at that weight for all that long but I was still a lot bigger than I once had been. Now I have wanted to lose weight for a long time as I never thought I was thing, even in teh days before uni. I never though really had the motivation to do anything about it but this summer there is a difference. My lovely girlfriend Kali has hinted that I should lose weight. You would think that this may offend me but she does it in such a nice way that I couldn't resist her charms. She pointed out that my Body Mass Index (BMI) was at 29 which is only one point away from that of an obese man of my height. I accept being overweight but obesity scares me. Not from a mere vanity standing but from health. My family has a long running history of high blood pressure and also diabetes and I don't really want to end up like so many in my family taking pills or injections every day to avoid death. I want to live a nice healthy life. And if my body becomes a slightly nicer shape in the process this cannot be a bad thing. 


    So on Saturday 19th July 2008 I started my diet. I have been weighing myself in Kilograms as it is easier to convert into statistics such as the BMI. Anyway, I weighed myself on Saturday and I was a hefty 106.9 KG, which as I said is just one point away from obese. My first aim is to get to around 95 KG which would see me be on the edge of Normal and overweight and my slightly longer term goal is to reach a weight of 90 KG which should put me at a nice healthy weight for my stature. 3 days in and I have already lost a whopping 1.2KG which I was very proud of and it is keeping me motivated to carry on the way I'm going.


    Subsequently this has meant a few things to my diet. As of today I have decided to take a temporary leave from my alcohol drinking as it is both very expensive and also contains many calories. Not to mention my liver could probably use a bit of a rest. This coupled with a healthy eating schedule, no snacking and at least 1 hours worth of exercise a day should see my weight fall off me in no time.. fingers crossed.


    Have fun people in blog land


  • Round up December 2007 - June 2008

    I'm a little bored right now and rather doing anything constructive like looking for a job which would help me combat my boredom as then I would have the money to actually do something. But hey, here I am writing this.


    Ok so I shall start where I left off in the last blog - That KOKO visit turned out to be quite an influencial one in the end as it was pretty much the start of my current relationship with my girlfriend Kali. It may have not been any official start to the relationship but it was pretty much the day that I realised what an awesome girl she was and thus we moved on from being the 'just friends' to a little more than that and here I am nearly 6 months down the line and we are still together. I mean obviously there has been the odd rough patch not helped by her parents (anyone who knows of Asian parents will probably understand the problems) and the problem of during term times her living over 200 miles away from me but there you go, these are the things you do for love. Yes I did say that, love. Ant D has turned into a mushy ball of fuzzyness.

    I have managed to visit Durham no less than twice in the last term but it is an expensive business. Even by coach which takes about 3 years to get there we are talking over £50 return from essex.


    Anyways, obviously that is the biggest event in my recent life. Let me see if I can make a quick list of other things I have done since that day at KOKO:

    New Years in Essex
    Up To Newcastle for a bit
    got girlfriend 'officially'
    uni yr2 term2
    went to brighton with the lads
    turned 20
    Kano gig @ uni
    had easter holidays
    Akala Gig
    uni yr2 term3
    finished exams
    Middlesbrough Music Festival

    and here we are. Obviously there was a lot of drinking and such amongst that as well but they are the main points that I can remember off the top of my head. Now I am back for summer and I have no money - I am currently in the middle of re-vamping the fruit leagues football kits and thinking I might make people in football manager, things are that bad.



  • Kid Harpoon @ KOKO

    This blog is just a review of the gig I went to on the 28th of December, I should have wrote this a lot earlier and made it more blog worthy with various incidents such as leanders fetish for death, his goth look and the lighter man who claimed to be the father of a premiership footballer but unfortunately my lack of enthusiasm for blog writing has returned and so apart from maybe the odd band review I don't think I will be writing any more for a while.

    Kid Harpoon has been for the last couple of years, one of my favourite artists and so when I saw that he was going to be playing at KOKO, one of my favourite clubs in London, it was immediately a certainty that I would be going.

    We got to Camden at about 9:30 hoping to get in for doors open and to our joy we were told that because we were one of the first 100 people to turn up, we got in free, Brilliant. Obviously getting in this early meant that buying driniks for the rest of the night would cost a bomb, but we had already been drinking earlier in a pub so it wasn't too bad.

    There was an early dissapointment when I saw that even the main act was only going to be on for half an hour when I was hoping for a real head-liners set as Ive never seen Kid Harpoon do more than 40 minutes but nevertheless I continued to have a good time.

    The DJ was great in my opinion, playing all the sorts of bands that you read about in NME, including no less than 3 songs by my beloved Libertines over the course of the evening.

    The first band, Paris Trading came on at about 10:30 and provided some decent music, if not particularly exciting, I must admit during this band though I was mainly still sitting and enjoying the company of my friends.

    The second band on were The More Assured who I had heard of previously only through them being one of those annoying bands who add you on myspace. I remembered listening to them before and not being particularly bothered by what they were playing. Again there was nothing really bad about them, they just provided nothing to get excited about.

    But then at about 12:30 came the main act, Kid Harpoon and the powers that be. Unsurprisingly they gave an amazing performance as I have seen on the 4 previous occasions that I've seen them play. Unfortunately their regular Keyboard player couldn't be there but he was replaced by a woman by the name of Ciara Haidar who as an artist in her own right I saw at the electric gardens festival in the summer. The show went flawlessly to my knowledge and they played all the songs that you come to expect including Death of a Rose, Milkmaid, Late for the Devil and First We Take Manhattan. I have noticed though that he never plays Colours when he is with the Powers that be, which is a shame as it is one of my favourite songs but this aside it was still an excellent set and I think they gained a few new fans in my friends.

    We stayed for a bit longer dancing to the indie DJs and then left by about 2:30 and then made our way home to various bits of south London.

    All in all a good night and so I shall be revisiting Club NME in the near future.


    END - for the indeffinite future