being a 17yr old you would think that going out of an evening would result in little or no fun, yet i managed to get well and trully pissed for the first real time. Ive been light headed before but this time was something else...
It started off drinking pints of carling as there was no fosters, but no one liked tht so we tried grosche, some disliked it so much that it was passed on to me as im not fussy, then we tried amstel again people didnt like so i felt obliged to help out. So by this time i had had 5 pints whereas others had had only 1 or 2, we then moved out of that pub to find somewhere that did fosters to suit the others but as you may have guessed by this time i was a little drunk. Still i ended up drinking more a pint of fosters normally and then stupidly downing the next pint. Almost immediately i threw it back up again and that was me done for the night.
7pints of beer in 2hrs is not clever, dont let anybody tell you otherwise. I know that we walked around a bit and that we bought a kebabor something but to be honest my memory of that part of the evening is a bit hazy. My mate Dave lovingly phoned my mum and got her to pick me up, got home, threw up some more then went to sleep.
This morning you would think that i should have a hangover but no, i still have never sampled the pains of a hangover, which begs the question what would it take for me to have a hangover? and i got up early enough to watch the final instalment of the hit TV show playing it straight. Who would have thought Ben the builder would have been a big quier, ludacris...
The Amazing Life of Ant D - Page 44
Binge Drinking UK
Call that talent?
In my previous post i talked of music reinventing itself, yes, fair enough there is nothing new to create so new bands take what old bands did and adapt it for a modern audience, but Coldplay take the biscuit...
They are so bloody cocky that they take their own song and ever so slightly adapt it and release it again.
Some people might be wondering what the hell i'm on about, but the more observant (does that work with listening) of you will have noticed that coldplays latest cuncoction - speed of sound sounds like a remixed version of Clocks, I mean even I could re-release a song that had already been written. I just wanted to get this off my chest as it really pissed me off.
Something else that pisses me off, I have to wait until July at least before the babyshambles album to come out, why must they torture me so? -
4am, what is the point
Indeed I have not written much for a while, but this is mainly because there has been very little to talk about. I unlike PNB find it very hard to ramble on for a good few paragraphs on absolute nonsense, my posts have to mean sommat.
Last night as we all know was the marvellous election results, as predicted the Labour party won a historic third term. Like the nerdy politics student that i am, i managed to work at Mitcham & Morden Labour party HQ from 7pm till 9pm, then went off to watch as much of the election as was feesably possible. The slow nature of events made it worse, only 4 seats declared in the 1st 2 hours. At 2:10am mitcham and morden was declared safe again losing only 4% which went straight to the Lib Dems, so hoorah my godmother, Miss Siobhain McDonagh retained her seat. Unfortunately neighbouring wimbledon went to the scum party (conservatives) but it was expected. Anyway I carried on watching until 4am before i collapsed into a state of slumber, TV still on. 3 Hours later i had to get up for school and now i am Knackered.
I did also buy a shiny new mp3 player this week, capacity of aboot 300 songs, radio, microphone and some other snazzy features all for just £79.99 from amazon. The Libertines, Babyshambles and alike have been constantly in my ear for the last 3 days, woooooo