No not that Tv show that used to be presented by that orange man but infact another day out with the lads on a manly shopping spree.
This time we decided to venture a little further than the highstreet in wimbledon, we were bored of the limited options, so we took a bold step into the unknown and took a bus to Kingston. Those who know the area will understand that my build up there largely led to an anti-climax as kingston is only about 20mins from wimbledon anyway.
So onto the shopping and the day started off very slowly, looking in a few shops and not being impressed, and some shops in Kingston just spell rotten, I don't know why, but im sure it does have something to do with the growing population of chavs taking over. It wasnt all bad to start with though we did see a couple of street performers a black dude playing a guitar, but unfortunately he was taking too long to start up so we left him but we did manage to hear a full song from the awesome, Christian, all girl rock group known as the Sunflowerz, they were amazing despite the lack of talent and the fact that they were infact just corny american preacher types.
The Bentals centre was the first stop of any real progress - the Bentals centre is like many other big centre types, Centre court, Wimbledon - Whitgift centre, Croydon and of course the Metro centre, Newcastle (obviously the best shop ever as it contains a theme park) Anyway we started with a nice trip into WH Smiths where I bought a fantastic bargain 'the best of T-Rex' for just £2.99, i was very happy with that - but my amazing bargain hunting was overshaddowed by the sheer stupidity/slight homsexual tendencies of Dave - stupidity for buying the amazing COOL RUNNINGS which is on every christmas and homosexuality for buying when harry met sally. Dave will from now on be referred to as Cool Running because of this purchase.
The next stop of any significance was HMV, yes I know its a horrible place but they had some good deals going on, after debating on whether or not to buy the new Proclaimers release i decided that instead I would buy the best of the boomtown rats £8.99 and snap by the Jam £3.99. Also on the way out i spotted the film aptly named ' Dont be a menace to south central while drinking your juice in the hood' It is a film containing the Wayans brothers that i had previously seen once on channel 4 at about 2am and had made me laugh an awful lot, so when i saw it for a mere £6.99 i knew i had to have it. It is basically a micky take of life in 'the hood' very funny and i would recommend to anyone.
When walking past the Odeon we were offered free tickets to a screening of a new film called Idiocracy on Monday night, matt will be in Ireland but me and Cool Runnings were given a pair of tickets each but are still deciding on whether or not to go, its a free film but its in Kingston
Pizza express was the next stop, and it was a generally nice meal between matt being winked at tongue stuck out at by the waitress in quite a seductive way, cool runnings presumably being raped in the toilets he was in there so long and me nearly chucking everything on the floor when trying to give my plate to the waiter.
After the meal we moved back out into the highstreet, next stop Primark - now this is what i call a bargain hunters paradise, it was so bloody cheap and it wasnt bad quality either, I bought a pretty snazzy top for £6. Matt clearly copied me getting the same top, yes technically he found it first and bought it first so some might say i copied him, but i know the truth I mean he nearly bought a top that looked like a chess board with honour and respect written on it, I mean who you gonna believe me, genius or him mental patient.
Ok so that was very nearly it, none of us really had any money left so we were walking towards the bus stop to go home , but wait, we decide to go down a street and into a shop called Collections and it was amazing, quite possibly th
e best shop ever seen, not only did it sell band t-shirts but also those weird german jackets, which cool runnings bought but also a t-shirt which i liked which had lots of pictures of fish on and said weird fish, cheapish decent jeans and the piece de resistence (please correct if that spelt horribly wrong) A PITTSBURGH PENGUINS ICE HOCKEY SHIRT, it was so amazing but I couldnt afford it right then and there, so I have promised myself that I will go back shortly and get it, It was so weird, Ive wanted one for ages but they dont sell them in England and the oddest thing, that was the only ice hockey shirt in the shop and it was my favourite team. All my dreams had come true in that instant. Well thats not technically true but close enough..
Unfortunately that was the end of the day and so we got back onto the bus and went home - but I will finish this spending spree blog as i did the last with a recap of purchases made:
ME: cds by the Jam, the Boomtown Rats and T-Rex, a DVD and a very cheap t-shirt
Cool Runnings: 2 DVDs and a german jacket
Matt (signs the blog as Tasty): T-shirt and a PS2 game
So that was it goodbye my lovely readers, until the next time
PS. just to point out that I forgot to mention other CDs that I bought on Monday -
Editors - The back room,
Jeff Buckley - Grace
and Kings of Leon - Youth and Young manhood