We all have to put up with them once in a while, but is there anything more embarrasing then a family get-together..?
It was a belated celebration of my dads birthday, and all my mums siblings therefore came.. dont ask its just always the way, my mums family are a lot more friendly. Anyway, we all went to a restaurant pleasantly named 'Rehab' its a nice place, the owner is quite familiar with my parents due to reasons beyond anyones level of caring. I had a ham and egg pizza which was pretty decent and I even took sips from other peoples cocktails (I didnt have any alcoholic drinks of my own as I got a little plastered on friday) but I did get to sip at my uncles 'Long Island Ice Tea' which i believe consists of roughly - Tequilla, rum, vodka, some other alcohol that i cant remember, lime and coke and golly it was tasty. But as I said I didnt drink much alcohol but my parents and my uncles and aunties did...
Oh why me? I thought when my dad who not actually being a catholic himself was preaching about how he thinks the church should be run, to my deeply religous, catholic aunt who accounts everything to being Gods doing. We had my uncle complaining about noise at a bar/restaurant of course theres noise and we had my mum and uncle singing down the end of the table. Even my little sister had a Pina Colada and was all giggly after it, I was just plain embarrased by the whole dastardly affair. Admitedly if I had joined in with the drinking im sure it would have been a lot less embarrasing as i wouldnt have noticed as much but i didnt fancy 2 nights in a row.
Im sure everyone reading this knows exactly the embarrasment but i thought Id throw this blog in anyway - Friday I did get very pissed and did text someone saying something... END