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The Amazing Life of Ant D - Page 39

  • Century

    Well as you may have guessed I have indeed reached my century of comments left on my blog, but the hundreth comment was not made by any of the regulars but instead by 'Max'. Well done to he, who shall eternally be written down on the history books as comment number 100.


    You didn't think that would be it though did you blog fans, oh no, I have plenty of other news items to disclose namely the immense pleasure gained by the fixing of my mp3 player. Me and technology dont mix, I am very talented at breaking or losing anything in the least bit technical but down to my very capable computer literate mates I have been able to fix it and thus not have to shell out a fortune on another one. WOOO


    I have found out that I am indeed the all time air hockey champion, I am (out of people I have seen, still havnt seen the apparent shock that is Blondie) the worst pool player ever and injury prone whilst playing football due to chucking myself to the ground every couple of minutes attempting the illusive bycicle kick goal.

    Thats all for this blog - heres to another hundred comments

  • Taking over

    The Goth types are still at my house, they arrived on Saturday for what I thought was 1 night and there still here and its Tuesday - will they ever leave. You would have thought that I wouldnt necesarrily complain about an 18yr old girl walking around in a leather corset (did actually happen last night) but no, instead I am disturbed by the fact that anyone could be willing to travel on the London Underground looking like that, plus it was quite a cold night dont want her to catch neumonia now. Then there's the boyfriend a 25yr old guy who is if im honest pretty dull - he talks only about his lame music and telling us about how he is the data inputting or sorting or sommat guy at his parents hot dog factory - posh and boring. They mope around in their all black outfits, they even go on my computer for hours on end playing loud music but possibly the worst thing of all they actually saw Pete Doherty ay a train station and didnt appreciate the fact that they were next to the most amazing dude in the world ever. Losers!


    School still pointless, went in today for a nice 5min chat with my form tutor then went home, utterly, utterly pointless.


    I could throw in some other news but I wont because of the sheer numbers of people(mates) who read the blog now


    Finally Bob Geldoff is a legend i've been singing i dont like mondays non stop for the last couple days - I now wear the white band on the left wrist just like him. Farewell lovely readers (btw if at least 4 ppl leave comments on this blog i will have reached 100 comments since starting)

  • Blog 8

    Ahhh there's nowt quite like 10hrs in front of a television set watching live music, yes, ok being there would be even better but at least this way I had a half decent view of what was happening.


    Started well with a bit of Sir Paul McCartney and U2, was happy as larry, by the time Snoop Dog was on I was so comfy that even my dislike for such an 'artist' wasnt enough to make me move but when Mariah Carey came on I was out like a shot, nothing could make me stay through that racket the only worse punishment i could think of would be celine dion or barbara strysand. As an event though generally quite appealing with the likes of Razorlight, The Killers and Snow Patrol being the Highlights - I cant call Pete Doherty's cameo appearance even a highlight really, you could barely hear him next to the overpowering noise made by Elton John, trust sir Elton to put a downer on the day. A set from babyshambles would have only improved the day, c'mon Bob next time remember the Shambles.


    Something that startled me though, the complete disreguard for any watershed, with bands such as Greenday and Snoop shizzley Mcdoodly dozzle dizzle doggy dog playing you can imagine the odd prefanity was tossed about but to my amazement these acts were put on at around 6o'clock when the mild mannered Joss Stone  wasn't on till much later. But even with such bands on early you would at least expect an apology from the BBC, but no, nothing.


    On other news staying at my house this weekend are a couple of extremely posh sounding Yorkshire born miserable Goths. Not only do they laugh at the fact that music exists beyond the realms of dark underground gigs (the reason they are staying at my house is there is sommat happening in London) they speak in posh accents spurting "mother does this" or other posh phrases, it makes my skin curl.

